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    彼处人生:andrés marroquín winkelmann访谈
    2010年08月12日 中国美术家网 责任编辑:jiping 热度:0  

      You grew up in Peru, I guess from your work Zapallal|Yurinaki that your childhood must have great influence on your photography style, could you share with me?


      When I was a child I loved to tell stories. Sometimes, these stories only happened in my imagination...I remember how my mother got worried about me telling lies. That might be something pretty natural in a child, but looking back on that I realized that what I do nowadays with photography is pretty similar, of course I don't think I'm telling lies with my images - don't get me wrong, but with time I've learned how to channel my imagination in order to create a visual narrative that is based on actual social and political issues. I believe, that another major influence has been Latin American literature, I remember my school times when we had to read poems of Cesar Vallejo, 100 years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (several times), Pablo Neruda, Jose Maria Arguedas, Mario Vargas Llosa and Jorge Luis Borges.

      当我还是个小孩子的时候我就很喜欢讲故事,这里面有些故事完全出于我的想象。我还记得当时我妈妈非常担心,因为她觉得我这是在说谎。我想这是每个小孩子都会有的天性,但现在回首我发现我今天所做的摄影和当初有很多相似之处。当然我不觉得我在用镜头说谎,不要误会我,我只是在岁月中懂得了如何运用自己的想象力,通过影像来反映实际的社会和政治问题。我相信拉丁美洲文学对我也有同样重大的影响,上学的时候我们要求诵读巴列霍(Cesar Vallejo,)的诗,马尔克斯(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)的百年孤独(读过几遍),聂鲁达(Pablo Neruda),阿格达斯(Jose Maria Arguedas),巴尔加斯•略萨(Mario Vargas Llosa)和博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis Borges)的作品。

      I was always a visual person and that's why I didn't find the idea of reading these books so attractive back then. But since I believe there are a lot of similarities to the way I interact with images and Latin American literature, I have been re-reading books written by these authors in the last years and I've been trying to analyze them from another perspective. I mean from a story-telling perspective: how to handle the characters, how to show or describe surroundings and moods; how to invite the viewer deeply into the story.


      I've found a intense tendency in your work to show the natural state of your subject, is that the name "As they Are" comes from? How do you get into this kind of style.


      Well the process is rather a straightforward one, most of my images are staged, kind of set-ups of the everyday, of the familiar and the ordinary. Most of the time, I make an appointment with my subject, shoot several rolls of a specific image or situation that I want to explore. Generally speaking, I'm interested in my subjects’ sense of vulnerability. I feel that it is something that is alive in a lot of people, and in order to get them into a state of embracing this feeling in front of the camera, we have to go trough an up-building process of trust and confidence. But to be completely honest with you, I don't have a fixed method I repeat every time I shoot, since I have to approach different people in different ways, and with time, this process gets really intuitive. Now I'm actually more interested in when to stop shooting!


      You've mentioned truth, lies, everyday life and staged life. How do you tell them apart? How do you get to know your subject's living, and how do you ask they to act as they are?


      Well I will definitely not tell them to act as they are! As a result I would have a picture of someone trying really hard to act normal...


      Truth in photography can be really trivial since it's one of the closest reproductions of reality.
      I rather see photography as an expression of a mental process, that being said, all I can do with my images is suggest. I can suggest what might it be to experience a narrative about Identity, as I did with "Conditions", for example.


      I don't look for truth with photography, but I strongly believe in the messages I try to convey with my images. When I'm photographing someone rather than trying to show who this person really is, I try to create an intimate atmosphere where the viewer is invited to reconsider new aspects that he normally wouldn't.


      Where do the images in the show in kunst.licht named “As they Are” come from, it's not included in your existing project.


      "As they are" is a compilation of two of my series, "Zapallal|Yurinaki" and "Conditions" but the gallery was in charge of the presentation and edit...


      As I know, most photographer don't like others to pick up images for personal exhibition. How do you see that? Will you feel uncomfortable about this? If their editing failed you, will you keep silence or tell them your idea?


      It's a very tricky question, I think that if someone would like to make a show with (some) of my images, they already are informed what my work is about. There has to be a good communication between the photographer and the Gallery, but the photographer has to be aware what kind of show is the one he is taking part of.


      There are shows where a photographer is invited to take (almost) 100% of the decisions regarding the presentation on the wall, and there are other shows, where the curator and Gallery team have a vision and would like to invite you and your images to communicate a certain idea. I feel comfortable with both of these approaches as long as there is good communication but if I notice some misunderstandings I definitely try to clarify things.


      You've mentioned workshop in Shanghai, is workshop another important way of your style? What's your workshop alike?


      My work deals with norms of behavior in their cultural and social context. Interacting with people is one of my motivations! That's why giving a workshop can be very exciting for me; I can't only review others people's work, something which I have to do in order to understand their approach to photography. But the workshop gets really interesting when we start working as a group and channeling our creativity and knowledge in the same direction, depending on the aims of the work that is to be presented. It would be great to get enough people interested in the workshop in Shanghai! If we make this happen, the workshop will have a theoretical and technical side, a part of the workshop will be about external lightning and staged photography.


      I conjectured that it would be a workshop about communication, because I've seen a lot of that in your portfolio, but you also mentioned technical side. How do you see technology in photography? Is this an important part for you?


      Well, technology is really not that important for me...the results are what I'm interested in. However, I do think it is important to take consequent decisions regarding the technology (cameras/lenses - digital/analog) you use to develop a project.


      Money is a big issue in photography, it can get really expensive to develop a project, print it, frame it and (maybe) create a book out of it. (And here we are not taking into consideration all the money you’ve already invested in equipment.)


      But don't just start shooting digital because you want to save money, and don't present only big prints in a show because you happened to have the money to do so. Every picture has its size, it can be small or big, but I strongly recommend NOT to take these decisions depending on how big or small your income is.... It can be a really long and painful process but it is important that at the end the results (the images and the presentation on the wall) reflect your intentions and ideas behind the project.


      But as the galleries push the images bigger and bigger, how could you keep conscientious about this problem? How do you decide your works size?


      The Gallery shouldn't push the images...they photographer/artist should do it.


      There are even photographers who have 3 different sizes for one picture...I really don't quite understand that. Well, I do understand that, but only from a marketing point of view. It seems that people start playing with several sizes just to attract more potential buyers, but that's not the point of doing a photographic project. Selling is important, since we all have to cover our expenses, but on the other hand, I have colleagues that are starting to shoot landscapes just because portraits don't sell that well, that is just ridiculous. 


      When I start thinking about a size for my images, I try to look back on the ideas behind the project. That's why every project has his size.

      For the series "Zapallal|Yurinaki" I was interested in social development within the slums in Perú and the similarities with the life in the countryside. Every single element and the characteristics of those surroundings was relevant, that's why the print size is pretty large (at least in my standards!- 120cm wide)."Conditions" was printed in three different sizes. That allows me to present the work more poetically, I wanted to mark some accents on the wall, no beginning nor end, just create spaces within a space where the viewer has to take his own decisions regarding his approach towards the work. "Conditions" is about that, about making decisions, about ones we might or might not have taken, about claiming a stake.



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